by Elaine Cook

Before I shared this word at the '97 Feast of Tabernacles in Portland, the Lord dropped an unusual word into my heart: ". . . in the volume of the book it is written of me. . " (Psalm 40:7) I didn’t know where it fit at the moment. But, soon I realized it had to do with something that is written in the book — something about you and me. It is not just written of Jesus — it is something written of us, His many-membered brethren. And, as Jesus, we are coming to say with Him: "I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."

In the volume of the book it is written of us. It is exciting to know that, even in the Old Testament there are things written of us, for us, and about us, and we never knew it! As I was praying about what to share, the Lord spoke, "I want them to know about Benjamin." So, we’re going to learn what is our portion in the volume of the book that is written about Benjamin.

Benjamin is a type and a shadow of God’s remnant people of this day, even that people who are being prepared of the Lord to enter into the New Day — the Kingdom — His Rest.

I met a sister in North Carolina to whom the Lord had spoken repeatedly, "Benjamin is coming! There will be no more food until Benjamin is released by the Father." We both wondered at this unusual word, but recently it has come into focus and we understand it. As we learn about Benjamin, we will refer to it again and then we’ll understand who it is that is coming and why there is no food until he gets here. We need to go into a little history to get the background to be able to understand what God is saying here about us.

Benjamin’s father was Jacob. And we know that Jacob was born in the promised land. We also know that he took his brother Esau’s blessing by deceit and then had to flee for his life. He was to have a reward, though, for his father told him to go to Mesopotamia to seek a bride. This was the same country where Abraham had lived and the Lord had told him to leave there and to press on to the promised land. He didn’t know where he was going, just as we don’t know how to get to the Promised Land of our inheritance today. Abraham just walked each day as the Lord led him, and he arrived there in due time. He was happy to leave behind his town, "Ur of the Chaldeas", for that means "Ur of Babylon". He was living in Babylon (confusion) and the Lord told him to come out of it!

Now, we find the grandson of this great man of faith returning to Babylon, fleeing from the flesh-man and seeking after a bride. It doesn’t look good, but God is in it!

When Jacob arrived in the land of his mother’s people, he fell in love with a beautiful girl named Rachel. She had a sister Leah who was "weak-eyed", whatever that means. We know that she was not fair to look upon as Rachel was. Jacob loved Rachel and he worked for seven years for her. He said they seemed unto him but as a few days, for the love he had for her.

At last came the day of the wedding when he could hold his beloved close to his heart. What joy and anticipation he had !

But alas, God’s law of sowing and reaping was about to come into play. Jacob had tricked his brother Esau to get the blessing of the firstborn, and now, unknown to him, his father-in-law, Laban, was about to play a trick on him!

He took his new bride to his lodgings that night and he loved her. It was not until the morning light came that he realized that he had embraced Leah. He was distraught with anguish. He cried, "Oh, I have taken Leah unto myself! I have embraced Leah! How could you do this to me?" He sought out Laban and complained angrily, "Why have you done this? Did I not serve you for Rachel?"

The wily Laban answered smoothly, "It is the law that the firstborn, the eldest, must be married before the younger. But if you really love Rachel, we can arrange for you to work another seven years and you may have her also." Jacob didn’t have to wait another seven years. He simply had to "fulfil Leah’s week" and then he could marry Rachel. He didn’t have too much choice. He found himself with two wives when he loved only one.

Now, thereby hangs a tale — the story of our lives as Christians! Here I am going to open us some types and shadows so we may understand where we have walked. Leah stands for the LAW. Jacob embraced the law first, even though he doesn’t love it. Rachel speaks of the spiritual principles of the gospel dispensation, the 2000 years of the Church Age that we have walked. Rachel speaks of that.

This is the Church Age where the Spirit of the Lord is moving. The life of God is being made manifest in the lives of the people. The Lord has come to abide in temples not made with hands! The Law doesn’t look very attractive in comparison to a spirit-led life. Leah’s eyes were weak; she couldn’t see the things that Rachel saw. Her eyes were dim and weak. She couldn’t see the things of the spirit. All she could see was the letter of the law.

We first embrace that concept. When we are first saved, we embrace the law. We are married to the law for some time — but, at the same time, we are in the gospel dispensation. Many years we labor in works, trying to earn our salvation. Though we came to the Lord by faith, we were soon told that we had to do "this and that" to keep our salvation, to keep in good standing with the Lord.

What would you call that? We thought we had married Rachel, but, in fact, we had embraced Leah — the law! And do you know what the law brought forth?

The law brought forth ten sons. How many commandments are there? Ten! "Ten" always speaks of the law and testing. These ten sons came forth from Leah and the servant-girls. The servant-girls were called "bondwomen", so all the fruit of the law came from Leah and the bondwomen, and it genders to "bondage." All the time that the law and the bondservants were being very prolific, poor Rachel is barren. She is so embarrassed and humiliated. One day she couldn’t handle it any more and she pleaded with Jacob, "I must have sons! Give me sons or I die!"

He answered impatiently, "Woman, do you think I can be God to you? Why do you talk like that to me?" He felt as desperate as she did. He wanted to bring forth by spiritual principles. He wanted to bring forth after grace, but that part of him was barren and unfruitful. He couldn’t bring forth anything from spiritual principles, or from grace because the law had taken preeminence.

Remember, Rachel speaks of spiritual principles of the gospel age, and when she felt so badly about being barren for so long, she said she had "suffered reproach." She suffered reproach because she could not reproduce His image within her. Do you hear it?

And we have been barren for a long time — desiring to reproduce the image of Christ in us, but we didn’t see His image coming forth. We were barren. We could not reproduce His image! But the day came when ". . God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her. And she conceived and bare a son; and said, God hath taken away my reproach: and she called his name Joseph, and said, The Lord shall add to me another son" Gen. 30:23,24.

The name Joseph means "adding." It was a prophecy that the Lord was going to add to her another son. I wonder whom that will be? Joseph is always a beautiful type of Jesus. When Joseph came (or Jesus), there were no more sons born through the law or the servants. That was all over! After Jesus gave Himself in sacrifice on the cross for us, the ceremonial law ceased. By dying for us, and giving us of His Spirit, He takes away our reproach and gives us power to produce His image in us. Oh, glory to God!

After Joseph came, the law and the bondmaids were finished bearing. That source of life could no longer be fruitful and multiply, for there was a change of order. Joseph (Jesus) was to rule over all Egypt and come into his glory through the things that he suffered.

And then, in due time, Rachel became pregnant with Benjamin. Jacob had, by this time, become greatly increased with flocks and herds and was longing to go back to his homeland. He said to his wives, "I just want you to see my homeland. It’s called the Promised Land and it’s a very fruitful place, flowing with milk and honey. I want to take you home to my land."

When he had first come to Mesopotamia, he had come to take back a bride and now he was leaving with two wives, eleven children, and numerous flocks and herds. Herein hangs a tale! When we, who have been born in that fruitful realm of the spirit, return to Babylon, it is to labor until we are able to take the Bride and flocks (sheep), and cattle (some bestial natures who have taken on our hue rather than Laban’s) to that realm of spirit that is our home and our inheritance.

They journeyed until "there was but a little way to come to Bethlehem (Ephrath): and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labor."

It looked like they could lose her and perhaps even lose the baby also, but the midwife said, "Fear not; thou shalt have this son also." And she did. She had Benjamin, but she died in the birthing. And therein is a tremendous lesson — a crystal-clear picture of us!

Here we have Rachel, who speaks of the gospel dispensation, returning to the Promised Land. The immediate destination was Bethlehem, but she died just a short distance from it. Bethlehem means "the house of bread," or "fruitfulness." This speaks to us that this Church Age is going to pass away just short of fruitfulness. It’s not quite going to reach "the house of bread" before it brings forth Benjamin. In her dying cry, Rachel called, "Benoni! Benoni!" She named the child "the son of my sorrow."

Have you noticed that the wives, both Rachel and Leah, chose the names of each child? Jacob had never interfered with their choice, but this time he did. He said, "He shall not be called ‘Benoni.’ He shall not be called ‘the son of my sorrow.’ His name shall be "Benjamin, the son of the right hand." Hallelujah!

I want you to know, saints, as far as the church system is concerned, in every generation, those who have been a part of this remnant company (and our generation is no exception!), the church that is yet a mixture — part law and part grace — considers us "the sons of their sorrow." They wonder, "Why can’t they fit in with us? Why do they have to be so different? Why do they always have to be so discontented? Why can’t they be satisfied with our forms and rituals and the traditions we learned from our fathers? Why do they have to want Jesus with all their hearts?" Yes, we are the sons of the church’s sorrow.

I had to leave the church system (and I didn’t want to leave), after I prophesied in the church. This Pentecostal Church was quite cold and no one ever prophesied there, so I was given the choice either to keep quiet or to leave. I felt this was no place for me, so I said, "I’m out of here!" They were not yet ready for any manifestation of the Spirit. Leah was still alive and well and in authority there, and I had embraced Rachel.

There was no way I could go back to Leah. I just couldn’t stand those "weak eyes" that didn’t have any vision, that couldn’t see what God was doing! And Rachel is so beautiful. I had embraced her spiritual principles and I couldn’t let her go.

Rachel travailed and brought forth this son, "the son of the right hand," a little short of the house of bread, a little short of the fullness, a little short of fruitfulness. Christians are grieved when they consider that we’ve had the Holy Spirit for these 2000 years and we have churches on every corner, yet there are so few believers. Why is it that the world has become so wicked and the church doesn’t have that much power to influence it? Why is it? It is because Rachel is dying.

She didn’t make it to fruitfulness. She didn’t make it to the house of bread. But it’s all right, for that one that she brought forth — that remnant, is going to make it! Yes, he is! Yes, we are! In the volume of the book it is written of us. Glory to God!

I want to go back a few steps to consider something. What city did Rachel and the others leave to go to the Promised Land? They were living at Bethel when they set out on this journey. Bethel means "the house of God." Why would anyone want to leave "the house of God?" Isn’t it blasphemous to talk like that?

Look at it this way: they were leaving the old way of thinking, the old mind set, the old traditions of men to go with Jesus. They were going to go with spiritual principles. They were on the way to fruitfulness when Benjamin was born, but they had still "fallen short" , for they were yet "a little way" from Bethlehem.

This second son is from the same source of life as the first one. Jacob is his father, and Rachel is his mother. He is born of spiritual principles — a new way of thinking, and this son — this remnant company, is given a new name by the father.

To a specific remnant is given the promise of a new name. It is not given to everyone, but to him that overcometh. Rev. 3:12 tells us: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God ." Where is His temple? Do we have to go anywhere to go to it? We are the temple! He will make of us a pillar — steadfast, strong, sure, tried and tested.

"And he shall go no more out . . " Out of where? Out of what? He shall go no more out of the realm of the spirit! We are tired of going in and out of the spirit-realm. The Lord says, "Come in and go no more out!" He is preparing a people who will abide in the realm of His Spirit and not come out of it. It shall be their constant habitation, their dwelling-place — they live there! They are not moving out today or tomorrow — they are going to abide there. They are overcomers!

And what else? "I will write upon him the name of my God." What is the name of my God? His nature! With the holy Finger of God, with the moving of His Spirit, with trials and testings, He is writing upon us His nature.

"And the name of "the city of my God", which is new Jerusalem" is that which is coming down upon us from above — that birth of the spirit that is from above, from a heavenly realm. This city "cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name." It’s new because we’ve never known it before. All we’ve known is Mr. Adam and his ways, but this new man Christ within, and His ways, we have not known — but we’re beginning to taste that new name. It is given to the overcomers. In every generation "the son of my sorrow" (as the church has called us), has been excommunicated, tortured, slain and burned at the stake. Their names have been cast out as evil. Yet, in God’s sight they have never been "sons of my sorrow." The Father said,; "This shall not be! They shall be the sons of My right Hand." The right hand is the authority of God. This remnant company shall have the authority of the throne because they have been willing to let the spiritual principles of God rule in their lives.

At times we have felt like we were "Benoni", the son of sorrow. We felt, "I’ve missed it. I’ll never make it!" We acted like we were Benoni instead of Benjamin — but you’re not Benoni — you’re Benjamin, the son of my right hand. Oh, glory to God!

Now the plot thickens! We are moving on to:


The setting of this part of the story is in Egypt, and the time is about 17 years after Jacob and his family had returned to Canaan. Benjamin, I understand, was 17 years old in this scene.

We all know what the brothers did to Joseph because he had dreams of ruling. He saw his father, mother, and brothers bowing down to him. Do you have any dream of ruling and reigning? If you do, your brethren would probably like to put you in a pit, too. And, verbally, they may do so because you have dreams of ruling with God. Their accusation is: "Just who do you think you are!"

We all know what his brothers did to Joseph and the cruel, unjust treatment he suffered for many years. Yet, through it all, he learned a mighty lesson (which we are in the process of learning) — he learned to remit sins. He learned to forgive! He didn’t wait until his brothers came and apologized to him. He must have forgiven them long before he saw them again, or he couldn’t have acted as he did.

In every situation in which he found himself — whether in Potiphar’s house, or in the prison, he was the ruler of it. He ruled over every situation, even though he was in bondage. He may have thought, "Lord, this doesn’t look very good, but You put me here and I’m going to do the very best I can." He was learning to be an overcomer. He learned obedience in the way way that Jesus did — and we do — "through the things that he suffered." Don’t despise the cross, for it teaches you obedience. It does a good work in your heart.

The Lord intended all the time for Joseph to rule over all Egypt, but He couldn’t trust him to rule in his fleshly, carnal mind, so He set the whole stage so that he would be brought down. He came through suffering unto glory. What are we looking for at the Feast of Tabernacles? We’re looking for glory — for His image and likeness to be produced in us, so don’t think it some strange thing if you suffer along the way. It’s part of the route to the throne.

God meant it unto Joseph for good. Sometimes we forget that when rough times come. We cry, "O Lord, have I sinned, or displeased You? Are You mad at me?" We suffer rejection when things are hard because the church has taught us that if anything goes wrong in our life, we must have sinned! They do not understand the making of an overcomer. Daniel says, "They are purified, made white, and tried."

If something comes to us that is not too good, the Lord is often testing our attitude and proving how we will respond to the things that He sends. Will we respond in love, in forgiveness, in remitting sins? If we can’t, there will be another "go-around" and another until you begin to face your own heart-attitude and cease blaming everyone else for the problem. Learn to see what God is doing in your situation so that you will be able to co-operate with Him in it.

Remember, God meant it for good to Joseph — and not only that, Joseph said He did this to him so that he would be able to save many alive when there would be famine in the land. ". . God did send me before you to preserve life . . to save your lives by a great deliverance."

Yes, He’s going to use us to save many alive when the famine is in the land. Look around you and know that the famine is here! There is a great famine today of hearing the Word of the Lord — a famine of spiritual substance that will cause you to be fruitful and multiply, and that will take you to the House of Bread. There is a famine for the Word that makes overcomers! The Word that is being promoted is that which would encourage God’s people to escape from this world, when they haven’t even come into their inheritance. They are willing to leave it all to the heathen just so that they will not need to suffer.

Before the famine came, Joseph was called in to interpret Pharoah’s dream. And when he told him bout the coming years of plenty followed by famine, he advised the Pharoah to set someone to supervise the harvest and to store it up. The Pharoah declared, "Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom the spirit of God is?" and he put his ring of authority upon Joseph and called every man to bow before him. He made him ruler over all the land of Egypt!

Joseph, by the wisdom of God, knew what to do. He needed to store up the corn. Have you been storing up some corn? I’ve been storing up corn for so long that sometimes I think I’ll burst at the seams. Some of you are the same and have no one to whom to feed your corn — no one who is hungry for it. Don’t worry, saints, it won’t be long before you will begin to have people come and ask you for some corn — some word of life. You’ll answer, "Yes, I have bought this at a great price, but I will gladly give it to you freely." They’re going to come to us and say, "How come you’re at peace? How come your countenance is shining with joy and gladness? I want that corn and that wine and that oil that you have!"

Joseph stored up for the years of famine, and in time the famine was sore upon all the land — even the Promised Land where his family lived. Finally, Jacob called his sons together and told them that he had heard that there was corn in Egypt. They must go down there and buy food for the family.

The brothers presented themselves before Joseph and he recognized them, but they did not recognize him dressed in his rich royal robes and carrying in his person all the authority of the throne. They didn’t relate him at all to that stripling they had thrown into the pit.

The story does not tell us that Joseph fell on their necks and wept with joy to see them. No doubt he had already forgiven them, but sometimes the Lord works in a little judgment to bring a person to a place of repentance before forgiveness is realized. Joseph spoke sternly and accused them, "You are spies! Throw these men into prison at once!"

Three days in prison brought some guilt to the brothers’ hearts and they remembered how they had treated their younger brother and had shown no mercy when he cried unto them.

Joseph came again and declared that one of them would remain in prison and the rest could go home with the food, but only on condition that they return with their younger brother. Simeon was taken from their midst and was bound before their eyes. He would remain bound until Benjamin would come to where Joseph was!

The names of people in scripture are always full of meaning for us. Simeon means "hearing." He imprisoned the "hearing" so they they could not hear! This is what has happened to the brethren who walk in the mixture of law and grace: They can’t hear what the Spirit is saying — and they won’t be able to understand until Benjamin comes to where Joseph is. Benjamin, that remnant company, must come to the realm of spirit where Jesus is walking. Benjamin must come here! And until he comes to this place, the hearing of the church is bound. The reason the traditional church fights God’s movings is because they cannot hear — their hearing is yet bound.

When Benjamin comes to that place in the spirit that the Lord has for them, the church will be set free. They will be able to hear because we won’t simply be telling them truth or teaching them doctrines, but we’ll be living it — walking it out! The Spirit of the Lord shall be alive and well in us. He will have produced His image in us. We will no longer be barren and unfruitful. We will have been to "the House of Bread" where He has taken away our reproach and made us fruitful.

When the brothers arrived home, they discovered their money in the mouth of their sacks of grain. Fear filled their hearts. It was bad enough to be accused of being spies, but now they would be counted as thieves also. Then they had the heart-rending task of telling their father, "The man told us, ‘You shall not see my face, except your brother be with you."

Jacob cried, "My son shall not go down with you; for his brother is dead, and he alone is left — if anything happens to him, ye shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave." Reuben, the eldest, was moved with compassion for his father and said, "Slay my two sons if I bring him not to thee." He was putting his own life — his own flesh and blood on the line here.

The famine continued unabated, and in the process of time, their supplies of grain were getting low and Jacob called upon his sons once again to go to Egypt to buy food. They reminded him, sadly, that they couldn’t buy any grain unless Benjamin was with them.

When Jacob protested again, Judah offered to be surety — a guarantee — for the return of Benjamin. If anything happened, he would bear the blame for ever. A different kind of heart is beginning to come forth in the brothers. Those who had no compassion for Joseph are now showing compassion and offering up their self-life to be taken, if need be. They are beginning to embrace ‘the way of the cross.’ What a necessary process this is — yielding up self — if we would "come to where Jesus is."

As soon as Joseph heard that his brothers had come again, he sent word to them that they were invited to come and "eat with him at noon." "Noon" signifies "the highest place of light". Our Joseph is saying, "I’m going to show you My glory. Come and eat with Me!" They could not have come to that place if Benjamin had not been with them. Because Benjamin was there, Joseph said, "Now you can come to this realm of spirit."

When they came in, the Egyptians were eating at one table because their law forbade them to eat with the Hebrews. Joseph sat by himself at his table. There was a table for the brothers by themselves and it was arranged in order from the eldest to the youngest. They looked at this and the fear of the Lord came upon them. Who could have known about all their ages?

Joseph kept a stiff upper lip when he asked them, "Is your father well? Is this your younger brother?" And he blessed him, "God be gracious unto thee, my son." (He called his brother his son! We are both brethren and sons unto the Lord, if we have gone on unto maturity). Joseph’s heart so yearned for his brother that he had to leave and weep in another room before he could compose himself. God was working in his brothers’ hearts, and he waited until that work was done before he revealed himself. (How we cry, "Oh Lord, I want to know You and He weeps because He knows there must be some more work done in our hearts before He may reveal Himself to us at noon).

When the food was set before them, the brothers wondered why Benjamin’s portion was five times as much as any of theirs. He was only a young stripling and couldn’t eat all that food! The Holy Spirit has something quite profound to show us here. "Five" is the number of "grace". That remnant company has been granted five messes (large measures) of God’s grace, much more than their brethren, and they have learned to bestow that grace upon every man.

This grace doesn’t come naturally to us. It has to be worked in us by the spirit, by suffering, and by being brought low in the eyes of our brethren. It comes as we learn to die to self and let Christ rule within.

I talked to someone recently about "remitting sins" which Jesus commanded His disciples to do as soon as He breathed upon them and they were born again. This brother agreed that he would remit a person’s sins against him if he apologized to him and repented of what he had done. I realized that "the law" had spoken. But this "five messes of grace" that are given to Benjamin tell us that this remnant company must remit their sins right now — while they are still angry at you, throwing darts at you and casting your name out as evil. Remit their sins immediately. You have plenty of grace to do that — you have five measures — much more than any of the other brethren have who are under the law!

The ones who are throwing stones at you are yet under the law and don’t have enough grace yet to repent, but you can do that and set them free so that God can work that grace in them. If you don’t remit their sins, they are still in bondage to that offense and will not be able to rise above it until you release them from your resentments and unforgiveness.

I know this Benjamin Company when I meet them, for I see them partaking of five measures of grace. I see it working in their lives. They are learning to remit sins!

At this noon feast — at the highest point of light — Joseph allows the brethren to see that Benjamin is eating this abundance of grace. They are looking at him and realizing that he has something more than they have!

Do you remember that Jesus spoke of His portion of food as, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." Jn. 4:34.


Oh, what a marvelous lesson the silver cup has to teach us! Joseph commanded his steward, "Restore their money again to each man’s sack. And into the sack of the youngest, put my own silver cup and his corn money." This was not just a small drinking goblet that he put in the sack. It was a large silver cup from which Joseph poured out wine to others. This was the cup that was put in Benjamin’s sack!

Off the brethren went, feeling mixed emotions: they had food, Benjamin was safe, and Simeon was released. Things looked pretty rosy, but somehow they didn’t have peace.

Their worst fears were grounded when they heard a horseman coming behind them in hot pursuit. "Off your camels!" he spoke to them roughly. "Why have you repaid evil for good? The silver cup of our master is missing and we must search every sack to see if you have done this wicked thing."

The brothers protested, "We brought the money back that you put in our sacks. We are honest men. God forbid that we should steal silver or gold out of thy lord’s house! If you find the cup with any of us, let that one die, and we will be your slaves."

The steward searched each man’s sack from the eldest, to the youngest. The cup was found in Benjamin’s sack! Then they tore their clothes and returned to the city to face Joseph.

Joseph refused their offer of being his bondmen. He didn’t want that at all. His judgment was: ". . . the man in whose hand the cup is found, he shall be my servant; and as for you, get you up in peace unto your father." Joseph wanted the one who had his cup in his sack!

Remember when the "sons of thunder", James and John, entreated the Lord to let them sit, one on either side of Him in His glory? His answer was, "If you can drink My cup, you can sit there!"

It’s the same with the cup He gives each one of us. If we can drink it, we can be "the son of the right hand" and share the authority of His throne. We can’t just take a few sips, for He says, "Drink ye all of it." Our cups have all come in different sizes and different measures, but we have all been called to drink that cup. We didn’t ask for this cup to be put in our sack! We didn’t ask to go this way of the cross, to experience things the average churchgoer never experiences. And, while we’re going through it, they are looking down on us and calling us "Benoni", the "son of my sorrow."

Although we didn’t ask for this cup, our Joseph did it to us. Jesus did it! He knew what he was doing. He put His cup in the sack of the remnant, the ones who had come forth from Rachel — not the ones who had come forth from the law. There is no cup in their sacks. It is in the sack of the one who was "added" unto Joseph. Joseph’s name means "added" and Benjamin was added unto him. Simply, Joseph is Jesus and we are that company that is being added unto Jesus. He is the Head and we are the Body. The Body grows up into the Head to make one Body. We are that remnant portion that is first added unto Him.

He didn’t add the whole body of believers all at once. He added first the remnant company, typified by Benjamin. The Lord didn’t want us to think that by dint of numbers, we could enter into this new realm of spirit. As always, He has a small number whom He plans to put through the fire and bring them forth as pure gold. The brothers, unwittingly, spoke the truth when they said, "With whomsoever the cup be found, let him die." This one would not be sent to the gallows. He would be brought into a lifetime of dying-to-self, to his own ways, to his carnal nature, until Christ was fully formed in him. At this time, he would come to be in the realm where Jesus is!

You have to not only know the cup is within your sack, you have to take it in your hand. You have to say, "Yes, Lord, I will bear this cup. I will drink from it. I will drink whatever You put in it. I will take the cup of the Lord." When we are willing to drink His cup, then He reveals Himself unto us in all His glory.

Richard Wurmbrand, a living martyr of our day who suffered many years of imprisonment for his faith, can tell us something of that cup. In spite of torture and hardship, when he was released, he still had love enough in his heart to pray, "Lord, if You want me to be in the prisons again to minister to the dying there, I will go." It was hard on his wife to hear him pray like that, but the Lord said "Yes," and had him put in prison again.

He tells of teaching the scriptures to a young man who asked, "We have read nearly everything Jesus said, but still I wonder what He was like to know as a man."

Brother Wurmbrand told him about a pastor who was in Room Four where the men were put who had TB. "He would give away everything he had — his last bread, his medicine, the coat off his back. He was a very Christ-like man. You felt that just the touch of his hand could calm and heal.

"One day, as he was talking to a small group of prisoners, one asked him this same question. ‘What is Jesus like? I’ve never met anyone like the man you describe, so good and loving and truthful’."

The pastor, in a moment of great courage, replied simply and humbly, ‘Jesus is like me.’ The man, who had often received kindness from the pastor, replied, smiling, "If Christ is like you, then I love Him."

Bro. Wurmbrand adds, "The times when one may say such as that, are very rare. But to me that is what it means to be a Christian. To believe in Him is not such a great thing. To become like Him is truly great."

On hearing that Joseph would keep Benjamin as his bondman and send the other brothers home, Judah took courage to speak. In great anguish of soul he pleaded for Benjamin. "My lord, you asked us if we had a father and a brother. And we told you we have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age; and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loves him. You told us ‘Except your youngest brother come down with us, we would see your face no more.’ Now, when I come to my father and the lad be not with us; seeing that his life is bound up in the lad’s life, he will die."

My friend Faith once asked the Lord, "Why did You call the Benjamin Remnant first and not the whole church?" (It seemed to her a little like favoritism, and she didn’t like that). The Lord answered, "Simply because I have set My Love upon him!"

Judah said of his father: ". . . his life is bound up in the lad’s life." Not to say that we are above others, but we are that remnant in whom He is first inworking His nature and that is so special to Him. He has this pregnant Bride who is with child of the Holy Ghost and He is waiting for this child to be born that looks just like Him! This is more special to Him than one who is yet a babe and has not yet learned obedience to Him. His turn will come later, in his due order. No one is going to be left out.

"Our father has already lost one other son, beloved of him. If the lad returns not with us, we will bring down the gray hairs of our father with sorrow to the grave. I have become surety for the lad unto my father. Please, I beg of you, let me serve you as a slave and let the lad go up with his brethren. For how shall I stand to see the evil that shall come on my father if the lad does not return?"

Joseph could restrain himself no longer when he saw his brother’s repentant heart. He sent all his courtiers out of the room while he made himself known unto his brethren. He wept aloud and called them to come near to him. "I am Joseph, your brother whom ye sold into Egypt. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life . .. and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

"And he fell upon his brother Benjamin’s neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck. Moreover, he kissed all his brethren, and wept upon them, and after that his brethren talked with him."

The "neck" signifies "the will," so when Joseph and Benjamin wept upon each other’s neck, it was showing the will fully yielded to one another. Isaiah says, ". . . the government shall be upon His shoulders.’ Where are His shoulders? They are on His Body, even those who are putting on the mind of Christ. His head is upon our shoulders. Our neck is upon His neck our will fully yielded unto His will!


The whole issue of this story of the remnant has to do with FOOD. From beginning to end, food is the issue because there is a famine in the land. There is a lack of food. No food could be forth-coming until Benjamin came to where Joseph was (to where Jesus is!)

At the beginning, I told you that word that the Holy Spirit spoke to a sister: "Benjamin is coming! And there will be no more food until Benjamin is released by the Father" (to come where the Father is, to walk in the realm of the son of the right hand, in the authority of the throne).

To understand more clearly the calling of this remnant company, we need to know the prophecy that Jacob had for Benjamin as he was dying. He had a word for each of his sons, but the word to Benjamin will tell us what our Father is saying about us!

He said, "Benjamin shall ravin (as) a wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil" Gen. 49:27.

At first glance, the prophecy doesn’t look too favorable. It compares Benjamin to a wolf! In the original manuscripts, the word "as" is not there. It was inserted by the translators. That makes a big difference! Benjamin is not the wolf — he is going after the wolf! That puts an entirely different perspective to the prophecy.

"Benjamin shall ravin a wolf." What does that mean? "Ravin" means "to tear in pieces and feed." What is the "wolf" that he is attacking? The wolf is the beastly, carnal teachings of man’s system of religion. Benjamin is going to tear them to pieces and turn them into food for the hungry. He will tear down the beastly teachings of men’s carnal minds.

We heard Benjamin ravining this morning. One brother said, "Before I came up here, the Lord told me, ‘I want you to know My Heart.’"

I said, "Lord, how can I know Your heart?" After he had listened to Gary Sigler ministering this morning about God’s true heart and His true nature, this brother said to me, "I heard God’s heart! I understood His nature like I’ve never seen it before." Gary Benjamin was fulfilling his prophetic calling. He was devouring and tearing in pieces that spirit of carnal teachings that would devour the sheep and keep them in bondage! ". . . in the morning he shall devour the prey . . " What time are we in? We are in the morning of the New Day.

What does it mean "to devour the prey?" To "prey on" means "to hunt or kill for food; person or thing injured; victim, to be a strain upon; injure; rob; plunder." Ezekiel, chapter 34, brings out this thought very clearly. Verses 8 & 10 say: "As I live, saith the Lord God, surely because my flock has become a prey and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and not my flocks . . . I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them."

Benjamin is going to devour those carnal doctrines that keep His sheep in bondage! One we particularly like to devour is the teaching that you have to have some church — some pastor — to be your "covering", as if the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls is not able to "cover us!"

". . . at night he shall divide the spoil." We have an abundance of spoil (things won in battle) that the Lord has given us. In the night — in the darkness in which we find ourselves — we are going to share with those who are in that darkness. This remnant is in the morning, and are devouring that which has preyed upon the people — to take away their peace and their confidence in God. We’re going to devour those carnal teachings and bring light into their darkness and set them free to walk in the spirit.

We’re going to divide with them all the spoil that we have won in battle, and in our many "dying" situations. We’ll say, "Here! I’ve gone up and I’ve got this spoil — these treasures of truth to share with you. I know they are true for I have learned them as I "learned obedience through the things that I suffered." They have been written upon my heart by the Finger of God, for the Holy Spirit has been my Teacher, as He said He would be.

In John 4:34, Jesus tells us what His meat, or His food, is: "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work." And that is our meat, our food, also. That is the food of the remnant: to do the will of Him that sent them, and to finish His work.

I see, by the spirit, that the storehouses of His Word that have been stored up in His remnant people, are being opened up because the famine is sore upon the land. The hungry are coming and asking us for food from this realm where we walk with our heavenly Joseph!


After their joyful reunion, Joseph told his brothers that they were to hurry home to the land of Goshen and tell their father that God had made him lord of all Egypt. He wanted all his family to come to where he was, to dwell with him so that he could provide for them throughout the next five years of famine.

Pharoah was pleased that Joseph’s family should come unto him. He said, "And take your father and your households. . . and I will give you the good (i.e. the best) of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eat the fat of the land . . . take you wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones, and for your wives, and bring your father, and come."

Besides providing land and food for them, Joseph also sent gifts which are quite significant in the spirit. Before we can understand this, we have to know what it means when we say, "Joseph ruled over all Egypt." We say that so glibly, but we need to consider what it means to "rule over all Egypt."

"Egypt" means "straitness" — "that which is narrow and confining" — in a word, the sense realm, the realm of seen things, of outward things. Jesus, our heavenly Joseph, rules over all the sense realm! And He calls us, His Benjamin company, to rule over all that sense realm also —the carnal mind, the emotions, the will, the desires and affections. All the outward things that would entice us away from following the new creation man, are Egypt — and we are to rule over them!

This is why Joseph had to wait for Benjamin to come to "where I am", for he also must rule over Egypt. In this place, the natural man (who operates in the sense realm) is subdued at last, and in all his parts is governed by the spirit. The spirit is no longer "straitened" or confined by the senses. It has liberty to be what the Lord has ordained it to be. The soul is yielded to let the spirit rule! None of the other brothers ever ruled over Egypt — only Joseph ruled, because he had come through suffering unto glory.

The gifts that he sent back with the brothers are very significant. First, each man had a change of raiment. ". . . but to Benjamin he gave 300 pieces of silver and five changes of raiment." We keep running into this "five" all the time in connection with Benjamin. The changes of raiment given are, again, the number of grace.

Are you aware that we wear different garments in the spirit at different times? When we come before the Lord to worship Him, we have on our holy garments of the High Priest. When we’re with the world, or on the job, we don’t wear that garment. They couldn’t stand to see it, for the Shekinah glory is upon it. We wear another garment for the world to see.

We don’t really understand about these garments, for they are spiritual. One time, a friend (who is a Benjamite) went to see her doctor. She was pregnant and very ill, and she was wondering if she and the baby would pull through alive. Her Catholic doctor put her on the examining table and then left the room for some time. He told her later that such a bright light was coming from her that he was afraid to come back into the room. He said, "The light lit up the whole room!" The Lord permitted him to see the glory of her holy, priestly garment which she wore even though her flesh body was very low! Think about it!

I learned this when we called a dear friend as we were passing through her city, and asked if we might drop by for a visit. "Oh, " she said, "I feel so bad. Some of my family are coming today. I’d love to ask you to come too, but they don’t know anything about this spiritual walk. They would want to talk about natural things and I’d want to talk about spiritual things with you and Bill. I don’t know what to do."

I said, "Sister, don’t give it a second thought! It looks like the Lord has told you to wear your garment of accommodation today, for your family’s sake. We wouldn’t come to your place with our holy garments on when you have on your garments of accommodation. We will come another time. The Lord arranges these things."

She said, "That blesses me so much to know that I am to wear my garment of accommodation today to meet my family where they are. And I am sure you will not feel any rejection over it."

I replied, "I wear that garment often. Sometimes we wish we could put it off and just wear our holy garments all the time. We do wear these different garments so that people cannot see who we are. We can tell who they are, but they do not know us. We look just the same as anyone else, except our countenance is brighter and our eyes are shining and we have a smile on our face. There is a lot of difference that way, but we do not really expose ourselves unless the Spirit gives us liberty to do so.

Benjamin was given five changes of raiment, so he had an abundance of grace to enable him to help people wherever they were — to meet them at the lowest or the highest place. We must not ever think ourselves too high that we cannot condescend to someone of low estate — to a child, or to an immature one. And if we have opportunity to be with the priests, we’ll all put on our priestly garments and have a wonderful time. Benjamin has enough garments to be "all things to all men", that he might win some.

Each man — the men of the law — has a change of raiment, but Benjamin has five — he can go from grace to grace, to grace!

He also gave Benjamin 300 pieces of silver. 300 means "perfect wholeness." Jesus gives us "perfect wholeness" when we come to where He is. He gives us a sound mind (the mind of Christ!) and a sound, loving heart that loves with His Love. This is a gift. Remember the alabaster box that the woman brought full of precious spikenard to anoint Jesus for burial? Judas rebuked her for spending all that money. He called it a waste and said it could have been sold for more than 300 pence. It was the price of "perfect wholeness."

There is another 300 in Noah’s Ark. The dimensions of the ark were 300x50x30 and that means complete deliverance for the mature. 30 is the number that signifies maturity. If you recall, Jesus could not minister as a priest until He was 30. That is the age of maturity, of eligibility to the priesthood. So — He gave to his Benjamin Company 300 pieces of silver — complete deliverance for the mature.

In King Solomn’s record there is another interesting 300. He had 300 shields, which is complete deliverance from war — complete deliverance from the war that rages within us — flesh against spirit, spirit against the flesh; the carnal mind against the spiritual mind. He gives us complete deliverance from war!

When the second generation was preparing to go into the Promised Land, Joshua said that they had to remain in the wilderness until — was it until all the older, faithless generation had died? I used to think it said that. But it doesn’t. It says, "when all the men of war have died." Have you been a man of war? If so, that man of war must die before you can possess this new realm of spirit. You can’t take him in with you!

Another well-known "300" was Gideon’s small remnant army which brought complete deliverance for the whole nation! Benjamin is given the inheritance of the heathen because Joseph is in the midst and rules over all that sense realm.

To his father was sent "ten asses laden with the good things of Egypt, and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father by the way." All of these: corn — the Word; bread — the Bread of Life; meat — the strong meat of the Word, did Joseph give unto his family to strengthen them to rise into a new place in Godwhere they would be able to behold the face of their Joseph, and beholding Him, be changed into His likeness. O, glory to God!


Although this message is complete, I want to share with you several prophecies the Lord has given me concerning His Benjamin company. I heard the Spirit call "Benoni, Benoni" in my spirit. He had my immediate attention!

He continued, "It is time to return unto thy place, O son of My right hand — to leave thy father’s house in Goshen and to meet Me as thy King and Lord over all — to know Me in a new dimension, even as conqueror and ruler over all of Egypt, even that realm that had bound you in long, hard servitude.

"I am presently calling My Benjamin Company to come unto Me where I am, to behold Me as I Am unto them, in a new relationship, in a new dimension. It is time for Me to serve thee thy "five messes" of food from My Hand that thou wouldst know the fullness of My grace unto thee and unto all mankind, which thy brethren have not known.

"And did not Joseph’s brethren behold him with great amazement mixed with fear and dread? But he who was also of the Beloved Wife (Benjamin) rejoiced to see My Day even as thou dost rejoice at this time. Know that this is the time of the fulfillment of the "adding" unto Joseph those brethren who are appointed to be "the sons of My right hand."

(As Rachel’s soul was departing, she called his name Benoni; but his father called him Benjamin, the son of the right hand.)

As I was writing this little booklet, I was being tremendously blessed at all the wonderful truths for us to enter into in this day. I glanced down at my Bible that was open beside me to this story of Joseph and Benjamin, and suddenly giant tears started rolling down my face. I couldn’t understand that, but it was the Spirit moving upon me. I heard Him say to me: "What a rich heritage is thine, My people! What a rich heritage I have given unto thee! Yea, I have given men for thee and thou hast not known it. (Isa. 43:4, "Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honorable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.")

"I have written My plan of the ages upon the lives of My servants for you to read and to understand. When the time has come for My holy remnant to enter in, they may step forward in My Spirit in great assurance because of all that has transpired in the lives of My set-apart ones in former days. Yea, even those who knew Me not and honored Me not at all, did I use to bring forth My purposes and to show forth My power to deliver in the face of all the evil that man could do.

"Learn to speak of My family with great familiarity, learning from all their downsittings and uprisings, for you are to be possessors of those things that they saw very dimly or not at all. Rejoice that I have washed your eyes with eyesalve that you might see, and circumcised your ears that you might hear.

"These are indeed the days that have been foretold by the prophets. . Walk softly in them while I perform in you My good pleasure and bring forth that remnant son that is to be added unto Me — even My Benjamin son!"

I want to give you an example of what the heart of a "Benjamin" is like. To do that, I must relate something of Richard Wurmbrand’s experiences as a pastor in a communist prison. His fellow prisoners ranged from all faiths, to none at all. Some were unknown and some were men from high places in the government and in the church, educators and doctors who had lost their positions in a "purge."

Discussing religion was a favorite pastime in the prison, but here was the difference: The other men would revile and curse their persecutors, while Wurmbrand forgave them, prayed for them, and ministered selflessly to them in sickness and in despair. He never felt that....

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