Bill and Elaine are both Long Term Residents of the Swan Valley Lodge, here in Creston. This is the same 24 hour care facility Elaine was in last year. Elaine is in the Harris Wing and Bill is in the Pioneer Wing. The cost of the facility is a percentage of their government provided pensions and as such they have no need of monies. Actually, the Care Facility has requested we ask Elaine’s friends to cease sending her cash as it causes issues for the Care Providers. (If you need more information on this issue – please contact us.)
Bill had been living in an apartment up to this summer. He suffered a series of falls and ended up in the hospital and was assessed as qualifying for long term care. He was moved into Swan Valley Lodge. He is appreciative of the three square meals a day. To assist Bill, he was flown to Kelowna to receive some radiation and his health has improved. He actually walked down town twice the other day. Remember Creston is very hilly and this was a remarkable achievement and is showing he is getting stronger.
Elaine is much the same. Her health is similar to last year, and our comprehension of her speech is still lacking. She appears to understand much of what is said to her. She is upbeat and is happy. A couple of weeks ago, we were able to link her up with her dear friend, Elizabeth in a video conference utilizing Skype. They both very much enjoyed seeing and communicating with each other. It was a joyous time.
Hope this suffices for now – Monty and Lori.
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